Thunderbolt Wind Farm is a wind energy project with the ability to provide affordable, reliable power to New South Wales consumers. The project is being proposed approximately 47km north-east of Tamworth, NSW, and is located within the New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).
The Project is permitted for up to 32 Wind Turbine Generators, with a maximum tip height of 260m. Each turbine can expect to generate 6-7 MW.
The Project is located in New South Wales between the towns of Bendemeer and Kentucky, approximately a five hour drive north of Sydney.
The Project will include up to 32 Wind Turbine Generators and is located within the Tamworth Regional Council and Uralla Shire Council LGAs. The site entrance is proposed to be from the New England Highway.
Photomontages provide an impression of what the wind farm may look like from different points in the landscape at different distances to the wind turbines. Neoen’s visual consultant has created the photomontages on the map to give you an impression of what the wind turbines proposed for Thunderbolt Wind Farm may look like from different points along public roads surrounding the project area.
Click on the six camera icons on the map to display the photomontage in a new tab. The photomontage will allow you to pan through a 360 degree view from the point at which the photomontage was taken. You will be able to zoom into the image to get a close-up look at the wind turbines.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the photomontages.
Significant annual income paid to local economy plus up to 10-15 jobs once the project is operational
I get to go home to the family every night…and I get to do the things that I love
Sam Greenwood
Vestas Service Technician
Local employee at the Kaban Green Power Hub

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With a balanced portfolio of wind, solar and big battery projects, we are aiming to achieve 10 GW by 2030.
Our goal is to own and operate our projects and as long-term neighbours, we are committed to sharing the benefits with surrounding communities.
This dedication to community and environment has made us a renewable energy developer of choice. We have invested more than $4 billion in the Australian market and developed over 4 GW of renewable energy assets.